Get involved. Make a difference. Save a life.
You can start by SPREADING THE WORD! Part of this project is about raising awareness. Start the conversation that is too often swept under the rug. I would love for Project Dog Water to grow, and be able to provide water for stray dogs all over the world. Together, we can create change and save lives. Get out there and make a difference! Share stories and experiences and inspire others!
You can MAKE A DONATION! Every single cent helps and makes a difference. All proceeds go entirely into the project for supplies to create more waterers. Donations can be made via Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue as this project is a part of the rescue. Please visit or click on the Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue logo at the bottom if you are interested in donating.
You can DONATE SUPPLIES! We always need supplies such as : screens for the rain barrel, RAIN BARRELS, auto fill water dishes with float valves, and anything you can think of that would improve the water system! Gift cards to Home Hardware for fittings would also be greatly helpful and appreciated!
You can SPONSOR A WATERER! We'd love for the community to get involved. Your work, school, or organization can sponsor a waterer that will provide water for the stray dogs in needed areas. You could even paint the rain barrel with a design!
You can SUGGEST A LOCATION! If you know of an area that has stray dogs in need of water, please let us know so we can work on getting a rain barrel waterer out there!
You can HELP DESIGN A WATERER! We are always looking for ways to better improve the water system, to make it more practical and simplistic. Ideas, suggestions and comments are always welcome!